10-12-2015 3-48-06 PMWhether you have 10 or 10,000 employees, running a business can be a challenge. Making decisions based on strategic reasoning is critical to the success and longevity of any company. How can members of the c-suite, as well as the small business owner, gain helpful insight into the boardroom and, at the same time, try and avoid the courtroom?

We cordially invite you and your top-level managers to join members of Henderson Franklin’s legal team on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 as they present the Southwest Florida C-Suite Summit at Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa. Topics and speakers include:

The Recipe for Business Longevity presented by Attorneys Guy Whitesman (Chair, Business and Tax Department), Eric Gurgold (Chair, Estate Planning and Administration Department) and Mark Nieds (Intellectual Property Group). They will outline proven techniques and best practices to preserve, protect, and perpetuate your business. One size does not fit all. The panel will explore avenues to successful business perpetuation, liquidity events and the preservation of wealth.

The Comeback Kid: Southwest Florida’s Ongoing Economic Recovery. Attorneys Denis Noah (Chairman of the Horizon Council) and Russell Schropp (Horizon Council Task Force Chair) will provide a look at the state of Southwest Florida’s economic recovery – from a lawyer’s perspective!

First breakout session – attendees may select one of three sessions:

  • Corporate Track – How to Win Your Lawsuit (Part I), Pre-Litigation: Lawsuit Prevention and Control presented by Attorneys John Agnew, Scott Beatty, Shannon Puopolo, Luis Rivera and Douglas Szabo. The best way to win a lawsuit is to avoid one in the first place. During this session, the panelists will discuss ways to decrease the risk of involvement in a business-related lawsuit. Panelists will also share best practices for avoiding litigation, including business organization laws, operating agreements, employee manuals, third-party contracts, and enforceable non-compete and confidentiality agreements.
  • Human Resources Track – What Business Owners or Executives Should Know About Employment Laws presented by Attorneys John Potanovic and Robert Shearman. Whether your company or agency has a dedicated HR staff or not, there are certain employment laws that a business owner or c-suite executive should understand. The myriad of employment laws are dizzying for even the most astute business person. Bob and John will feature some of the most important laws, the dynamics these laws can create in the workplace, with administrative agencies, and in the courts, and will offer practical guidance that their expertise and experience, a combined 50 years in practice, has enabled them to share with clients in resolving these issues for businesses and agencies of all sizes.
  • Workers’ Compensation Track – Protecting Your Bottom Line by Maintaining the Upper Hand on Workers’ Compensation Claims presented by Attorneys David Roos and Michael McCabe. Who’s the boss? You are. Take advantage of HR practices and policies that allow a business owner or executive to maintain control over claims costs (and future premium increases). Be aware of how the failure to implement – and enforce – these practices can lead to the waiver of certain Workers’ Compensation defenses. Maintain control from the date of hire, through the date of accident, and beyond.

Second Breakout Session – attendees may select one of three sessions:

  • Corporate Track – How to Win Your Lawsuit (Part II), During Litigation: Strategies for Improving Outcomes presented by Attorneys John Agnew, Scott Beatty, Shannon Puopolo, Luis Rivera and Douglas Szabo. Lawsuits happen. Despite the best planning, sometimes a business will get involved in a business-related lawsuit. During this discussion, the panel will include litigation strategies and remedies to improve the outcome of a pending lawsuit.
  • Human Resources Track – Awareness in the Workplace: Domestic Violence and Its Impact presented by Attorneys David Sims and Kayla Richmond. Domestic Violence can be a difficult topic to discuss, but through knowledge and awareness it can be an issue resolved in your workplace. Every 9 seconds a woman in the United States is beaten. Along with a multitude of other disheartening statistics, domestic violence costs the business industry $8.3 billion dollars annually. David and Kayla will present information employers should know to identify domestic violence issues, assist in preventing the impact of domestic violence in the workplace, and understand the legality of domestic violence in the Southwest Florida.
  • Immigration Track – Immigration Concerns for Southwest Florida Businesses presented by Attorney Tulio Suarez. Tulio will discuss how U.S. Immigration Law affects every business regardless of whether or not they currently hire foreign nationals. Topics will include: compliance with the E-Verify, Form I-9, Employee Identification and Employment Authorization requirements; options for the hiring of foreign nationals; and the current federal and state law requirements applicable to U.S. employers.

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts: How Social Media Can Impact Your Business presented by Attorneys Suzanne Boy and John Miller. Social media is clearly here to stay, but many businesses are unsure of how to regulate employee use and address questionable employee action. Does your business have a well-crafted social media policy in place that protects your organization and your employees — or could you be headed for legal hot water? This entertaining presentation will educate attendees on common issues involving the use of social media by companies and employees both in and out of litigation, and offer tips to help protect the bottom line.


We are honored to present the Summit in association with the Bonita Springs Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Southwest Florida, the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce, the Islands of Sanibel/Captiva Chamber of Commerce and the Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Register Now

Cost is $25 per person. To register online, please click here.

Click here to download the seminar brochure.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Gail at 239-344-1186 or email gail.lamarche@henlaw.com.