Guest post by Summer Associate Kristen Schalter
Football players took another hit in Tallahassee (pun intended) – this time in the workers’ compensation arena in the recent decision in Arena Football League v. Bishop, 2017 WL 2438335 (Fla. 1st DCA June 6, 2017). Bryon Bishop previously played for the Orlando Predators for one season and later wanted to rejoin the team. While participating in the Predators’ two-day tryouts in 2013, he suffered an on-field injury.
AFL Contract
Prior to participating in a tryout, a prospective Arena Football League (“AFL”) player is required to sign a contract. Interestingly, the AFL contracts with players differently than the NFL. In the NFL, contracts are between individual teams and individual players, while in the AFL contracts are between the league itself and individual players.Continue Reading AFL Player’s Workers’ Compensation Claim is Sacked by 1st DCA