We are excited to announce we have just opened registration for the 20th Anniversary of our HR Law & Solutions Seminar! The seminar is March 27 at Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa. Topics and speakers include:
- Employment Law and Legislative Update presented by Attorneys Robert Shearman and John Agnew
- First Report of Injury: Best Practices to Save Your Bottom Line presented by Attorne
ys Cora Molloy and David Roos
- DHS/DOL Immigration Audits: Is Your Company Ready? presented by Board Certified Immigration Lawyer Tulio Suarez
- Dealing with the Retaliation Claim Boom presented by Board Certified Employment Lawyer John Potanovic
- Employment Law IQ: Test Your Knowledge and Issue Spotting Abilities presented by Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer Vicki Sproat and Attorney Suzanne Boy
- It’s Not the Fruit, It’s the Root presented by guest speaker Sean Carter, Humorist at Law.
Also, as we teased in our Save the Date post, we have some fun surprises up our sleeves, including a surprise guest and a special 20th Anniversary celebration! Download the seminar brochure here. Click here to register. Can’t wait to see you all!